See the calendar below for the days when trains will be operating and the colour codes for the timetables. (Scroll along the timetable on mobile devices to see all times). For any special event timings (Gold Timetable), please visit our Events & Experiences page.
On Blue operating days a steam locomotive and a diesel railcar will operating. The diesel railcar will stop at Hayles Abbey Halt also.
On Purple operating days two different steam locomotives will be operating. Trains do not stop at Hayles Abbey halt.
On Pink operating days a steam locomotive and a diesel locomotive will be operating. Trains do not stop at Hayles Abbey halt.
On Red operating days two steam locomotives. Trains do not stop at Hayles Abbey halt.
On Green operating days a steam locomotive and a diesel locomotive will be operating. Trains do not stop at Hayles Abbey halt.
Whilst every effort is made to maintain the services shown, the Company reserves the right to cancel, alter or suspend any train without notice and accepts no liability for any loss, inconvenience or delay thereby caused.
We would love to keep you up-to-date with what's going on at our Railway and so we produce occasional newsletters to tell you about forthcoming events and special occasions.